Monday 18 December 2017


Type 2 diabetes. 

hello and welcome to this new blog started on 16 December 2017.

I am Pete , 59 years old and Type 2 diabetic.

It feels like a meeting of Eaters Anonimus where I confess to overeating for most of my life and being so heavy my pancreas gave up.

20 stone. 280lbs (127 kgs)  today and having been diagnosed with Type 2 Meltus about 7 years ago. 
I say about because I believe I was diabetic for years, but like many blokes I ignored the symptoms .

I come from a family of 'fatty's, its that simple. Over eating is a problem and though I confess to limited junk food, preferring high quality, its the quantity that is the issue.
Leaving your plate clean was a family trait. Big portions another, snacking and 'grazing' between meals a 'chemical' issue.

I am today on a mission after a recent visit to the Trafford Diabetic Treatment Centre. NHS are concerned about the increase in type 2 and Type 1 of course.

A friend stated that I had FAT BLOKE desease  and after 4-5 years of denile and the recent telling off by a doctor.... today my 'recovery' starts.

I have been taking Metformin when I remember, and an injection of Lyxumia that I forgot to take most days (1 hour before a meal.... always busy or drivng).

My latest injection is a weekly version that I started on Sunday. Lets see if the alarm on my phone works.

Sunday 17th December:

After a night drinking to much (yes I know), my blood sugar levels were 17.4 mll

Considering it should be 4-5 , that was the start and the end . Mission set.

Monday morning after a day of protein only yesterday my blood were 11.5 mll
so though still high not as bad. (#before breakfast).

I have had no carbs other than half a banana today, but did have bacon and eggs , coffee (2), 

I will post a picture of me later, but for this my first post on 
TYPE 2 MELTDOWN here is my mission.

3) MORE EXERCISE (on top of my manual work).
4) No grazing between meals
5) NO BOOZE for 4 weeks then another 4.
6) Daily sugar levels on my new phone app.

Whilst I am here.

I eat too much that is for sure. My family are all fat. This has to be something to do with genes or mental signals that do not turn off the 'I'm Hungry' mode.
Yes , my mother always wants us to eat more and finish food off, but out of 3 siblings and parents, I am the only one that has diabetes..... so far.
Considering that as a family we are all 50-64 years old and haven't lived in the same household for 30 years plus, so other than generic or habit, what makes us eat to often?

Type 2:

lots of samples and examples of what to eat and how to prevent Hyper or Hypo eating habits, but losing weight seems to be the best start.
The charts BMI etc state I should be 16 stone. I am aiming for 17 as I am 6ft 3" and once did body building when I was younger. 17 stone seems a more realistic goal.
Bye for now. More soon.